From debates about science education in public schools to controversy over scientific literacy, conflict between science & faith often appears in our news headlines. How can we improve the conversation between scientists and communities of faith? Can we reach a common ground to improve understanding and create fruitful conversations?
It may surprise you that Christians do not all share the same interpretations of Genesis 1-11. What interpretations have been common throughout church history, which are common today, and how does all this relate to the relationship between science & faith? Does the Christian faith oppose the facts about dinosaurs?
How did faith-filled cultures influence the development of the Scientific Revolution? Many claim that science arose DESPITE oppression by the Christian church. Is there more to the story?
It’s well known that many scientists practice religion in their personal lives -- but is it logically inconsistent for them to do so? A panel of scientists share why their faith complements, rather than contradicts, their particular field of study.
Science continues to unlock more and more mysteries behind natural phenomena. Will there come a day when science explains away our need for God? Has science explained the origin of life? The answer may surprise you.
As science gathers more data and digs deeper into the world around us, does the big picture suggest that everything happened by chance, or that there is intention in how it all works together? Come and hear recent findings about how complex biology is and it looks like it has a purposeful design.